Community Garden
Fall planning
The cooling weather makes spending time in the garden past 10 am much more pleasant. The partner gardeners are harvesting some corn now, and beans, peppers and greens. The more formal section at the west end of the garden has been growing on its own, wild, and his ready for clean up and manicuring so that can be a space to visit during the high holidays. I have perennial plants to transplant.
It looks like harvest, and the end of the season, but in my mind this is the transition to the first days of the 2023 growing season. Fall is really a great time to garden, especially for soil enrichment and mulching heavily. Perennials and trees can be transplanted and may have the chance to get a little bit established.
Starting in a week, we will be ready to accept donations of your mulch: leaves, grass clippings, and even wood chips, sawdust, peanut shells and small sticks less than 12”, with side branches removed. Livestock straw and manure may be useful too, and long fibrous stems cut to a foot-and-a-half or less. We are making signage to indicate where materials should be dropped. Please consult with me before bringing materials: email me at or text-call cell 720-271-9706.